Our production database is set up on a different server than our production website server. This separation allows for a little bit of added protection from our own error. For example if someone were to accidently run rm -rf / on the production server all that would be lost is a little bit of our time downloading the latest release back onto the server since our data is on a seperate server that we have no real reason to ever ssh into. The server is accessed by an SSL connection by the production server and is protected with a username and password that we keep secret in our config files. The URL of the database is also kept secret to prevent DDOS attacks or any other misuse of the server.

UML Diagram

Model Details

The database is set up in an intuitive manner where each model has its own relation and a single row represents a single instance of the model. Here is an in-depth description of each relation and attribute:


Attribute Properties Description
id integer, primary_key, unique A unique id that represents each row
name string, not null A human readable name of the food
img string A URL to an image of the food
servings string The number of servings for the food
calorie string The number of calories in the food
sodium string The amount of sodium in the food
fat string The amount of fat in the food
protein string The amount of protein in the food
aisle string The aisle where the food is located
aisle2 string The aisle where the food is located
aisle3 string The aisle where the food is located


Attribute Properties Description
id integer, primary_key, unique A unique id that represents each row
gid string, unique The id that Google uses to identify the store
name string, not null The human readable name of the store
location string, not null The latitude and longitude of the store
price_level integer Google's record of the relative price of the items in the store
ratings float An average rating of the store from Google reviews
phone string Phone number of the store
pic_id int ID of the picture of the store
lat float Lattitude of the store
lng float Longitude of the store


Attribute Properties Description
id integer, primary_key, unique A unique id that represents each row
gid string, unique The id that Google uses to identify the gym
name string, not null The human readable name of the gym
location string, not null The latitude and longitude of the store
price string The price to access the gym. Often in different units like per week or per month
ratings float The average rating of the store from Google reviews
phone string Phone number of the gym
pic_id int ID of the picture of the gym
lat float Lattitude of the gym
lng float Longitude of the gym


Attribute Properties Description
id integer, primary_key, unique A unique id that represents each row
name string, not null A human readable name of the workout
img string The URL that represents a picture of the workout
link string A URL that links to an in depth description of the workout
category string A human readable classification of the workout in relation to other workouts
equipment string The equipment necessary to preform the exercise
description string A human readable description of the workout
muscle string The muscles that are targeted by this exercise
met float A way to track the relative intensity of each workout

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